Joshua Tree National
Thanksgiving, 2002
Scott, Emily and Adam joined Colin,
Jack and Elaine, and the Peter Family
for a Thanksgiving holiday at Joshua Tree National Monument.

Cool dike formations.

The dike from above.

Josh and Mary watch Emily start the climb on Blackjack.

That's our girl.

Close up.

Adam on Blackjack.

Adam and Emily climb a chimney.

Adam belays Emily on Loose Lady.

A 3D rendering of the terrain on the hike to Forty-nine Palms.
The red line is the route we followed.

Awesome red cactus.

On the hike to Forty-nine Palms where we can just begin to see
the oasis.

Reaching Forty-nine Palms.

Adam hides behind a palm frond.

Heading home: Adam and Emily at the Ontario Airport.

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