Gales Creek Hike
Sunday, 14 July 2002
This hike was chosen from the wonderful
book, Exploring
the Tualatin River Basin. Scott, Ellen, Emily, Colin,
Adam, Dave, Evelyn and Jeff set out to explore Gales Creek off
Oregon Hwy 6.

Adam, Emily, Colin and Jeff on the brand new Gales Creek Trail.

Dave takes our photograph from across a small gorge.

Parts of the trail follow old logging roads, making the going
Lots of red alder, with wood sorrel and other low understory flora.

Jeff loves to lead the way.

We decided this lovely spot by the creek was our destination.

While we ate our lunch, we built cairns in the creek.
Here Adam concentrates on placing a stone just so.

The result!

Emily built this one...

...and this one!

Ellen built one Dave called "The Lady
with No Arms."

As the cairn collection grew, we had to contend with Colin and
plan to dam the creek and flood out the cairns.

Emily tries to place a bridge.

Adam is there to help.

More sunlit cairns.

Dave and Colin continue the dam building.

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