Eagle Creek Wildflower
Sunday, May 20, 2002
Scott and Ellen hike the Eagle Creek
Trail in the Columbia Gorge, in the rain.

Ellen had just figured out how to use the "macro" setting
on the digital camera.
Here is Blue Eyed Mary.

A sunny slope covered with Lupine and Desert

Scott has that great Northwest Look down.

Punchbowl Falls, from above. We didn't walk down to it this time,
but below
is a snapshot from another visit.

(Actually, this photo of Punchbowl Falls is from a hike
we took in April, 1978!)

A little brook tumbles toward Eagle Creek.

Scott always likes the high spot.

Vanilla Leaf, near where we ate lunch.

We ate our lunch perched on rocks by the water's edge.
Did I mention it was raining? Scott found us a dry place
to sit in the concavity of the stone bank.

The rain made this river rock glisten like a bronze Henry Moore

Monkey Flower

Western Saxifrage nestled in mossy rocks.

Close up! Gotta love that macro lens.

Shooting Star

Licorice Ferns among the moss and lichens (and spider webs) on
the basalt.

Red Paintbrush

One section of the creek runs through a narrow, steep-walled gorge,
and the trail crosses here. That's Ellen on the bridge.

Looking north from the bridge up the narrow Eagle Creek gorge.

Looking south from the bridge.

The cliffs to the east, lit for a too-brief moment by the sun.

Looking back at the bridge from the bend in the trail.
Scott took this shot as Ellen hiked along the precipitous trail,
above on the left.

Eagle Creek makes a nearly square corner, and so does the trail
above it.

The map doesn't seem to offer any name for this triple falls on
a tributary creek.

A little Larkspur in the fading daylight.

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